
Below are National Bloc's latest updates, along with its political statements, activities and projects.

The Parliamentary Consultations were a tragi-comedy

The Lebanese National Bloc Party considered the events of the parliamentary consultations to be like tragi-comical play.  It has become evident that the government is unable to renew itself or to accomplish the most basic of tasks after having put...

Is the government counting on more suicides to get away from accountability?

The Lebanese National Bloc party noted that it is a violation of the constitution for the current authority to keep delaying the formation of a new independent, sovereign government of skilled specialists, and the binding parliamentary consultations.

The government lacks popular legitimacy, its only choice is to resign

The Lebanese National Bloc Party denounced the recent events in Lebanon, namely the suicide of a citizen in Arsal, the layoffs of many from their jobs or the decreases in salaries and of the purchasing value of salaries that now...

NB: The system is bankrupting Lebanon, solution is a government that restores trust

The Lebanese National Bloc Party noted that the government remains unconcerned with the economic and financial crisis. The purchasing power of citizens is decreasing daily, their savings are in danger and their future is in jeopardy as poverty rises dangerously...

NB: "The revolution will keep rejecting sectarianism in spite of the “Parties-Sects”

The Lebanese National Bloc Party noted that what has happened in the last two days, namely the death of two citizens in Jyeh, and the systematic attacks on the demonstrators, carries a hidden political agenda.

NB: Why bully the peaceful cross-sectarian and nonpartisan demonstrators?

The Lebanese National Bloc Party questioned the reasons behind the violence executed against the peaceful demonstrators by “Amal Movement” and “Hezbollah” supporters, as well as the use of sectarian hate speech against those demonstrators.

National Bloc: the 8 and 14 of March movements on one team

The Lebanese National Bloc Party noted that the attempt to hold a legislative session of the House of Representatives yesterday has several implications, the most dangerous of which being that the government seems to be reiterating the loss of its...

NB: Bar Association regains its independence: All representative councils should follow suit

The Lebanese National Bloc Party extended its congratulations to the Bar Association, an association that is like a shield for citizens when justice is politicized, on regaining its independence despite the fact the political parties in power tried to delude...

“NB”: No second chance to a government committing a crime against Lebanon

The National Bloc Party noted that the government, and despite the pressure that the peaceful revolution has been exerting against it, is still ignoring its citizens’ demands to form a salvation independent and sovereign government of able specialists. The government...

National Bloc to President Aoun: It’s time to trust your people

The Lebanese National Bloc Party in an open letter to President Michel Aoun stated the following:  In your position as the head of state, you are a trustee of the Constitution, which you have always deemed to be "right".