The Lebanese National Bloc Party released the following statement:
While addressing the economic crisis in Lebanon, Hezbollah's Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said that what is needed is developing a “methodology” to explore all possible options, one of them being to turn eastward if the West’s door was shut on Lebanon, and vice versa. Nasrallah is right, because running the country’s affairs cannot be based on whims and fancies, but on proactive plans and programs anticipating all probabilities. However, this “methodology” is developed by the government, which reflects political parties represented inside it. The question is how can it be successful in doing this amid the domination, on the Cabinet, of a part of the political establishment that led to Lebanon’s economic collapse throughout 30 years? Needless to say that the first step should obviously be ousting and replacing it with an independent government.
Once again, we cite the famous saying of Imam Ali Ben Abi Taleb: “When the people of truth remain quiet in the face of falsehood, the people of falsehood start to believe they are truthful.” Hezbollah’s stance in supporting the government is also a support of “falsehood” that will continue its disruptive policy for Lebanon, namely the waste of funds and quota approach. While Nasrallah was delivering his speech, the ink was still wet on the Cabinet’s decisions that led to the appointment of EDL’s board of directors, based on the political quota system. Although Electricité du Liban cost Lebanon $40 billion until now, all the meanwhile plunging deeper into darkness.
As for the blatant interference of the US Ambassador to Lebanon in our affairs, it is normal to denounce it. We were and still are denouncing all interferences, wherever they originate from, regardless of what our disagreements are with the side that is targeted or supported by theses interferences; whether from Iran, Arab Gulf States, Turkey, or any Western country.
In this regard, we all must understand that Lebanon’s woes are due to one single reason: the curse of creating the State of Israel on its border. In 1944, the National Bloc had proposed a decision at the Parliament, through its MP George Akl, before any other Lebanese party or any Arab State, strongly warning then, and is still, against the dangers of establishing this entity.
The international and regional conflict is centered on this issue, and Lebanon has taken more than its fair share of Israel’s hostility. However, engaging in different axes is what’s harming Lebanon with spillover effects from the countries waging expansionist wars. In turn, this has led to an internal division that is threatening the Lebanese entity. After all, joining hands and standing together internally, in Lebanon’s interest, is the ultimate weapon to repel any aggressor on our national sovereignty.