A Clean, Preserved and Resilient Environment
05.a Forests and Biodiversity ›Forests and biodiversity are protected in large conservation areas
05.b Air Quality ›Air quality in urban areas is monitored, clean and healthy
05.c Coastal Zone ›Lebanon enjoys an accessible, clean and protected coastal zone
06.a Water ›Rivers and sea water are protected from pollution
06.b Quarries ›All illegal quarries in Lebanon are closed and rehabilitated
06.c Oil and Gas ›Government mechanisms ensure the oil and gas rent is managed in a transparent way for the benefits of all, before Lebanon’s reserves are exploited
07.a Urban Planning ›An integrated master plan governs urban development at the national level and cascades down to cities, towns and villages
07.b Urban Sprawl ›Urban sprawl is contained and remote areas are revitalized
07.c Suburbs ›Suburbs are integrated into the Lebanese social fabric, public services are provided and connectivity is improved
07.d Housing ›Affordable housing is provided to every household in Lebanon and access to property is supported, encouraged and incentivized
07.e Urban Heritage ›Lebanon’s vernacular urban heritage is valued, protected and curated
07.f Buildings ›Buildings are green, efficient and healthy, they respect the urban fabric and socio-economic structures of Lebanese cities, towns and villages
07.g Public Spaces ›Green and open public spaces are considered a public service, they are open, accessible and cater for 100% of the urban population
08.a Traffic ›Traffic progressively decreases within and between cities insuring seamless mobility across Lebanon
08.b Walkability and Bikeability ›Walkability and bikeability are priorities in the rehabilitation of Lebanese cities in order to improve their livability, dynamism and attractiveness
08.c Road Safety ›Roads are safe and ensure a seamless connection between and within cities while preserving Lebanon’s natural assets
08.d Logistics ›Investments in economic corridors such as ports, highways, railways and airports allow Lebanon to play a major role as a regional logistics hub