Governance (institutional change):
1.Establish a public authority for land transport with a clear mandate to favor public and green transportation modes
Public Transportation (service provision):
1.Implement the WB Bus Rapid Transit project, a “high-quality bus transit system similar to a light rail or metro system”
2.Develop a feeder shuttle network at the caza level
3.Make cycling and walking safe and attractive options (service provision, nudges) (cf. Walkability and Bikeability, O8.b)
4.Explore a high speed ferry public transportation system
Private cars:
1.Progressive swap of the taxi fleet towards hybrid and/or fuel efficient cars (taxes and subsidies)
2.Increase taxes on SUVs and luxury cars (taxes and subsidies)
3.Hybrid and/or fuel efficient cars (taxes and subsidies)
4.Introduce tolls on select highways at select hours (taxes and subsidies)
1.Develop park and ride facilities linking parking lots with coastal public transport connections (service provision)
2.Increase parking fares or charges within cities (taxes and subsidies)