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Smart Cities, Sustainable Villages

  • Implement the digitization program (high-speed Internet and 5G) and supply Internet access to every home and institution.
  • Expand the prerogatives of municipalities in financial and developmental areas and automate administrative services.
  • Execute a rapid public transport program in cooperation with international institutions.
  • Set up a regional waste treatment plan based on sorting and recycling instead of adopting incinerators and develop “green energies.”
  • Upgrade the water supply network, rationalize consumption, and use modern irrigation techniques.


Smart Cities, Sustainable Villages


  • Implement the digitization program (high-speed Internet and 5G) and supply Internet access to every home and institution.
    • After reviewing the priorities, implement all the CEDRE conference decisions including infrastructure development.
    • Liberalize the telecommunications sector and launch new licenses in all fields, particularly the 5G and the Fiber Optics fields, and establish a Data Center.
    • Introduce tax incentives for startups operating in the knowledge economy sector.
  • Expand the prerogatives of municipalities in financial and developmental areas and automate administrative services.
    • Reconsider the Municipalities Law regarding the distribution of their powers, especially on the financial level.
    • Implement and automate the Public Procurement Law at the municipal level.
  • Execute a rapid public transport program in cooperation with international institutions.
    • Implement the World Bank program (Bus Rapid Transit)
  • Set up a regional waste treatment plan based on sorting and recycling instead of adopting incinerators and develop “green energies.”
    • Adopt a decentralized approach for the national waste treatment policy.
    • Reinforce the independence of municipal funds.
    • Encourage sorting, recycling, and developing a national plan to generate alternative energies.
  • Upgrade the water supply network, rationalize consumption, and use modern irrigation techniques.
    • Modernize the water distribution network that is responsible for 40% of water wastage.
    • Apply modern irrigation techniques in agriculture, which accounts for 61% of water consumption. This technology does not exceed 50% currently.
    • Use renewable groundwater instead of water dams.
    • Rely on wastewater treatment, which currently does not exceed 8% of the wastewater.


Read more about the "Smart Cities, Sustainable Villages" in the below links:

Air Quality



Urban Planning

Public Spaces



Drinking Water



Knowledge & Creative Economy

