1.Reconstitute MOT as Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies (MoICT) and end its role as a supplier in markets
2.Implement a digitization program (high-speed Internet and 5G), and provide Internet access to every home and institution
3.Implement all the CEDRE conference decisions in terms of infrastructure development after reviewing the priorities and the establishment of a Data Center,
4.Institutionalize total transparency across the entire sector (MOT, Mobile Interim Company 1 and 2-MIC1, MIC2, Ogero, Data Service Providers-DSPs, Internet Service Providers-ISPs) on licensing, employment, accounts, contracts, etc.
5.Institutionalize a clear sector policy for a legally enforceable, 3-year term ensuring separation of powers
6.Reform Governance
7.Restore Telecom Regulatory Authority’s role and independence
8.Liberalize the telecommunications sector and increase competition by launching new licenses in all fields, particularly the 5G and the Fiber Optics, and add at least one mobile services provider
9.Allow strategic partners for MIC1 and MIC2; Allow access to ducts of Ogero
10.Free entry to all other markets not requiring scarce resources, mainly spectrum licensing, in a fair, effective, transparent and swift procedure for the licensing of Radio Frequencies to service providers
11.Encourage funding of necessary investments: to come from private sector to the extent possible by allowing strategic partners and/or Public Private Partnerships