National Bloc: Michel Helou Elected as a Secretary General with a new Executive Committee

The National Bloc released the following statement:

The National Bloc completed the last stage of its internal elections on November 10, with the election of Michel Helou as a Secretary General, and Salam Yamout, Hussein El Achi, Lynn Al Harfoush, Lea Ghanem, Paul Saber, Abraham Helal, Camille Mourani and Naji Abou Khalil as Executive Committee members.
The Bloc had launched its internal elections, under the slogan "Democracy is Continuity" on October 16, with the election of district councils, professional sector and diaspora councils, followed by the election of the General Assembly on the 23rd of the same month.
With the completion of its internal elections, the National Bloc proves that the battle for real change is done through modern political practice and through the activation of the role of youth and diaspora in the political life, and reaffirms its commitment to the process of the democratic transformation it had began with its re-launch in February 2019.
