“The National Bloc Party” considers that Prime Minister Hariri’s response to the citizens’ demands is the first step towards the solution. It calls upon the President of the Republic to limit the caretaking period to some days during which a nonpartisan technocrat government is to be formed.
The NB party considered, in a statement, that Prime Minister Hariri was convinced after his two TV appearances that the crisis is really deep and that trust is lost; he was convinced that the parties in power will not be able to face the total collapse.
The NB party considers that “confessional parties” are not easy to put back on track, because those who build an empire on clientelism, cronyism and humiliation are not able to rebel against themselves easily.
It notes that the parties in power need to be aware that any attempt from their part to take back power under these circumstances will be destructive for them and their partisans who, like the revolutionaries, are citizens suffering from poverty and humiliation.
The party affirms that the recent events are the first success of a civilized, peaceful and courageous popular revolution. It considers that the parties in power need to step aside and appoint a nonpartisan, independent technocrat government capable of restoring trust and reducing the economic and livelihood burden that Lebanon is witnessing.