The National Bloc warned that the parties in power are raising “contentious issues to divert attention from the fundamental issue, which is the economic crisis.” It asserted that their ultimate goal was nothing less than forming “a new government restoring the ousted parties-sects.” In a statement, the Bloc considered that this was inconceivable, as the ‘infighting will not happen’ between the citizens, and any national unity government will not regain the trust “lost on October 17.”
Read the full statement below:
After 100 days, the government formed by the parties in power failed to make any achievement, due to the prevailing and underlying mindset of sharing the country’s resources through quota systems, impoverishing, and humiliating the citizens.
The situation is worsening by the day. The Lebanese are extremely enraged, and the “people’s revolution” is overwhelming and reaching all regions, neighborhoods, and homes.
The parties-sects are attempting, in a concerted and coordinated manner, to dupe the citizens, in spite of their disputes over the allocation of quotas.
For two weeks or more, the political and media campaigns started, through hired mouthpieces and proxies, raising contentious issues to divert attention from the fundamental issue, which is the economic crisis; a 30-year-old governing crisis. Federalism, National Pact’s demise, UN Resolution 1559, etc. are some of the controversies that were recently brought up. Each one aims to stir sectarian instincts and threatens to wreak havoc. However, all the parties are in distress and are only planning to revive the former lineup and a new government consisting of the parties-sects that were ousted from the executive power.
Therefore, these contentious issues will be the argument to form the new national unity cabinet in order to allegedly eradicate sedition, while it will only increase in reality the number of the privileged few who are benefiting from the quotas, restore their cohesion to seize the country’s remaining resources, and help them to face the “people’s revolution”, after unifying their ranks.
The citizens will not be duped for many reasons:
First: No matter what the parties-sects will do to exploit the sectarian vulnerabilities, the citizens will renounce infighting.
Second: The citizens are conscious and aware of these plans.
Third: Any national unity government will not regain the trust lost on October 17.
Use your common sense, step down, and make room for a sovereign and independent government, with expanded powers to salvage what can still be saved. Try to return to power in the upcoming elections. These are the people’s demands, the sound judgment, and the common interest of Lebanon.