Melhem Khalaf restoring the role of the syndicates

The Lebanese National Bloc Party highlighted the position of the president of the Lebanese syndicate of lawyers Melhem Khalaf towards the restrictions imposed by the “Association of Banks in Lebanon” on bank withdrawals and transfers.  The Bloc noted to the importance of the warning about the Association of Banks in Lebanon not having the eligibility to take these illegal, discretionary, and arbitrary measures.

In a statement, the Bloc considered that this position is a restoration of the real role of national professional syndicates, especially with president of the syndicate Khalaf pledging that the syndicate will follow up on this file to prevent further infractions and to pursue justice. The Bloc stated that the normal working of the banking system should be governed by laws that originate from the House of Representatives or from other specialized powers, and invited both the executive and the legislative hands of government-even if only in the care taking stage- to shoulder this responsibility and play their role in this matter.

The Bloc considered that Syndicate president Khalaf is the most qualified to express the pain of the Lebanese citizens in a situation where the current government has all but diminished the role of syndicates and trade unions.

political positions