The head of the Kataeb party MP Samy Gemayel visited the headquarters of the Lebanese National Bloc party in Gemmayzeh at the head of a delegation from the Kataeb Political Bureau. The Kataeb delegation was received by Secretary-General Pierre Issa and members of the leadership of the Bloc.
The meeting began with words of thanks from the National Bloc to MP Samy Gemayel and the delegation for their congratulatory visit on the Bloc’s new constitution and the new leadership that emanated from it. Discussions took place on the subject of how the two parties can cooperate and it was decided to establish a joint consultation committee.
The National Bloc Party stated that its relationship with all other Lebanese political parties is based on service to the public interest, an stems from a unified vision towards the principles and stands that eliminate the 5 vices that are currently plaguing Lebanon: political sectarianism, corruption, political feudalism, loyalty and subordination and the need to replace them with citizenship, lack of the rule of law and sovereignty.