The “Lebanese National Bloc Party” indicated that the circular issued by the Minister of Health Jamil Jabak is a decision in the right direction to approach the issue of dependence and overdose from human and social perspectives. Minister Jabak’s circular entailed that the cases of dependence and overdose do not require the notification of security forces, knowing that Minister of Interior and Municipalities Raya Hassan had requested to inform the competent internal security forces units. Minister of Health pointed out that the addict who is admitted to the hospital is in a difficult health and mental state which makes him/her a victim, so there is no point in a legal pursuit.
The Party considered, in a statement, that addiction puts the addict in a state of inhuman humiliation. The only way of rehabilitating the addict to regain his/her dignity and be a productive and effective member of society, is by providing health and psychological treatment.
The Party stressed that this decision alone is insufficient, and there is a need to increase health and psychological treatment centers and to arrest big drug dealers with political coverage.