Create 30,000 job opportunities every year through an investment plan in food and pharmaceutical industries and in the digital, creative, and tourism sectors.
Finance production sectors with funds from deposits in Lebanon and capital from Lebanese expatriates and international development agencies.
Establish an independent municipal credit fund to develop Lebanon's regional economy according to local characteristics and foster cooperation between municipalities.
Set up special economic zones (artificial intelligence, digital economy,...) to drive innovation and increase exports.
Develop vocational training in partnership with the private sector and facilitate the integration of trainees into the labor market.
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Economy of Tomorrow
Create 30,000 job opportunities every year through an investment plan in food and pharmaceutical industries and in the digital, creative, and tourism sectors.
Encourage the creation of specialized investment funds, especially in sectors that have competitive edges.
Streamline administrative processes hindering export operations and reduce their costs.
Develop the country’s infrastructure, particularly transportation and communications (Internet).
Develop the Labor Law with the consideration of workforce mobility.
Finance production sectors with funds from deposits in Lebanon and capital from Lebanese expatriates and international development agencies.
Embrace the section of the McKinsey plan that identifies sectors with added value and export capabilities.
Develop the financial markets in parallel with the restructuring of the banking sector.
Establish an independent municipal credit fund to develop Lebanon's regional economy according to local characteristics and foster cooperation between municipalities.
Conduct a study identifying the distinguishing competitive edges of regions and large towns in Lebanon (tourism, culture, agriculture, trade, maritime transport, ecotourism, skiing, etc.)
Approve and implement the Decentralization Law, which strengthens the role of local councils in planning, implementing, and securing financial resources.
Set up special economic zones (artificial intelligence, digital economy,...) to drive innovation and increase exports.
Adopt a law to establish specialized economic zones according to an integrated national program.
Develop vocational training in partnership with the private sector and facilitate the integration of trainees into the labor market.
Move from general vocational training schools to specialized centers of excellence, which provide expertise in specific professional areas.
Engage the private sector in the curriculum development process.
Improve the credibility of skills evaluation by introducing certificates from the private sector.
Read more about the "Economy of Tomorrow" in the below links: