1.Establish incentives for investment / legal protection for foreign investment / fast-tracking doing business in Lebanon
2.Create programs that encourage diaspora members to support: jobs for Lebanese / loans for assets / mentorship to Lebanese companies / developing networks for exports development
3.Incentivize foreign firms in similar industries owned by members of the diaspora to host employees for temporary training abroad. This, naturally, should be accompanied by a bilateral agreement that deals with permits and visas for these workers. Partially or fully subsidize those experiences, potentially in the form of conditional loans
4.Establish lobbying support frameworks that support diaspora members to play a role in the formulation and negotiation of bilateral economic treaties between their home & destination countries
5.Incentivize return migration of citizens abroad by providing fiscal or other incentives
6.Invest in development and infrastructure projects in remote and rural areas, as expats are often attached to their city of origin
7.Tourism: Invest in events and channels connecting with diaspora
8.Develop a proactive emigration policy, with a highly engaged Lebanese diaspora actively contributing to Lebanon’s economic and social development
- Ensure a tracking system is in place to monitor emigration
- Develop a solid diaspora database and promote national identity to strengthen the bond between Lebanon and its diaspora
- Leverage the diaspora network through encouraging productive investments, opening access to export markets, and transferring knowledge
- Harness and formalize advocacy through establishing a diaspora advisory board (advise the GoL and advocate for Lebanon’s interest)