Represent one of the two genders by 50% in municipal and parliamentary candidacy, as well as in ministerial portfolios and first category administrative positions.
Right of Lebanese women to pass on their nationality to their children.
Prevent the marriage of minors and fight violence against women.
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A Women's Nation
Represent one of the two genders by 50% in municipal and parliamentary candidacy, as well as in ministerial portfolios and first category administrative positions.
Amend applicable laws to conform to this principle.
Combat discrimination against women through training and awareness campaigns.
Encourage girls through the education system to be interested in technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Right of Lebanese women to pass on their nationality to their children.
Ratify the Lebanese women right to pass on their nationality to their children.
Prevent the marriage of minors and fight violence against women
Pass law to prevent child marriage of girls under the age of 18.
Amend law on Combating Domestic Violence, including the criminalization of marital rape.
Educate girls about the dangers of early marriage on their health and social development.
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