Culture, Art & Tourism

First - The status quo:

  1. Culture, art, and innovative industries are some of the most important aspects of Lebanon and of the Lebanese people, and they represent wealth.
  2. Lebanon is a center of civilizational, cultural and religious interaction given its diverse components.
  3. Lebanon has failed to develop, modernize and diversify its tourism capacity to become one of the economy’s pillars.
  4. Censorship rules are placing constraints on innovative industries.

Second - The principles:

  1. Culture, art, and tourism should be accessible to all Lebanese people, not just the elite.
  2. The freedom of expression and the rejection of censorship must be put in place to be creative in culture and art, and fight for just causes.
  3. Culture and art must be given due consideration through education, upbringing, and financial support with the aim of developing innovative industries.
  4. Lebanese cultural exports should be encouraged. The Lebanese National Bloc Party has made, as always, a contribution in this regard, as it worked on passing laws that regulate and promote tourism.

Third - The vision:

  1. Culture, art and innovative industries must be considered as a key productive sector by the state, not as something trivial, as they allow for promoting Lebanese Culture abroad and encouraging cultural interactions internationally.
  2. The favorable institutional frameworks must be established given this sector’s importance.
  3. Historical and archaeological sites should be considered as part of Lebanon's identity and wealth.
  4. Sectoral tourism along with archeological and recreational tourism should be modernized and developed. Additionally, health, educational and environmental tourism, as well as tourism relating to business and conferences should be given due consideration.
  5. Expatriates, municipalities, and embassies should be engaged in the process of making artistic and cultural partnerships with several cities around the world.
  6. Internal tourism and especially environmental tourism should be developed for the Lebanese to get to know their country and its different traditions, which contributes to a growing national harmony.

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