Architectural Heritage


First - The status quo:

  1. Lebanon’s history is not rich with culture alone, but also with archaeological sites, and ancient as well as modern architectural heritage.
  2. Lebanon is not an artificial island without any historical background.
  3. The land speculation policy is resulting in a destructive financial bubble that transforms cities into concrete jungles, expels indigenous people from their neighborhoods, thus eliminating social interconnection and diversity.
  4. There are several draft laws that have already been prepared that preserve the modern architectural heritage and allow proprietors to benefit from the added value of their properties in case they would like to take advantage of it.

Second - The principles:

  1. Preserving this heritage gives future generations tangible pillars for their identity.
  2. Modern architectural heritage, which is still inhabited and can be renovated, preserves a more humane lifestyle in the cities. In the villages, it makes inhabitants more attached to their land and encourages them to return home.
  3. Preserving the architectural heritage gives added value to tourism, and thereby brings economic benefits.

Third - The vision:

  1. The above-mentioned projects must be re-examined, submitted and monitored closely and, at the same time, a general guideline for the Building Code should be developed and shall provide for the preservation and renovation of this heritage.
  2. Modern constructions preserving the traditional and architectural specificities, forms and characteristics must be encouraged, in addition to the use of modern materials and technologies that reduce non-renewable energy consumption.
  3. Theoretical and academic material on the importance of the Lebanese architectural heritage should be drafted and disseminated.
  4. The Lebanese diaspora throughout the world (be it expatriates that will not return to their homeland, or the diaspora with which Lebanon maintains strong ties) should be engaged in plans of action that preserve and shed light on the architectural heritage. Expatriates feel nostalgia for their homeland as they recall how it used to be, they know how most countries deal with architectural heritage, and they often own old properties.

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