The solidarity Bloc will be comprised of two parts: à Match Making between MSMEs and Investors (debt&equity) à A Probono Lab comprised of experts in the different fields of: HR, Strategy&governance, Marketing, Finance, Legal, IT.
We need to build a network of experts in the above fields.
We need to do an outreach to the MSMEs ( through world of mouth, BDD data, National bloc Net, Online Campaign..).
We need to build our partner’s Network : Berytech, Legal bloc, Public Sector, Ngos, SRE.
Operational process of our initiative will be as follow: 1- Set the focused thematic workshop date. ( once per week, from 5pm to 8pm).
2- Speed dating: The one on one free session with the experts
3- Networking event cluster(per industry).
We will be collecting data on the MSMEs through forms.
We will be preparing a 30 second video to outreach the MSMEs
To Do list For Next Week:
Finalize the powerpoint ( division will be shared in the ppt)
Prepare the registration forms. SJ
One minute pitch SJ&Jad
By the end of march:
Prepare a 30 second video
Add on our our website : Mission – vision – principle and one minute pitch