1.End of 2002: Lebanon signed on to the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA)
2.April 2006: Lebanon's Euro-Mediterranean Partnership agreement came into force. The agreement enables reciprocal free trade on most industrial goods. It also liberalizes trade for many agricultural and processed agricultural goods
3.Lebanon was endorsed in early 2008 as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the Asian seat by the Asian Group
4.April 2016: Lebanon signed the Paris Agreement at the UN Ceremony in NY
5.March 29th, 2019: Lebanon ratified the Climate Paris Agreement
6.April 2006: BDL Circular 104 to implement the Basel II Capital Adequacy Accord
7.30 September 2016: BDL Circular 436 for the increase of the minimum capital adequacy ratios to comply with the new capital requirements under Basel III
8.Law 318/2001: Fighting Money Laundering has led to the lifting of the name of Lebanon off the list of countries not cooperating with the FATF Financial Action Task Force.
9.April 2009: Lebanon deposited the instrument of ratification of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) and the Convention entered into force on 22nd May 2009