1.Adopt Lebanon's neutralization in regional and international conflicts, and pursue an active diplomacy that restores its position as a regional mediator and breaks out its isolation
2.Lebanon remains in solidarity with the Palestinian cause, which is rightful and just by all standards, while preserving its sovereignty.
3.Mandate international actors to work exclusively with public institutions or NGOs that are independent from political parties
4.Have international actors publish all records concerning the allocation of their funds and how they are used
5.Have independent Lebanese auditors review activities between local government authorities and international actors
6.Prohibit the non-Lebanese financing of political parties
7.Reaffirm the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their land, and refuse any form of resettlement inside Lebanon
8.Set up an international humanitarian and carefully devised plan with relevant actors to ensure the safe return of Syrian refugees to their homeland
9.Submit a formal request to the United Nations to urge the five Security Council permanent members to impose a buffer zone in Syria. Under the protection of international forces, to receive the displaced Syrians and provide them with decent accommodation requirements.
10.Call on the European Union and the Arab countries to contribute substantially to financing this step.
11.Connect Lebanon to the Arab hinterland by modern transport infrastructure