1.Lack of, or poor justice delivery undermines trust in the system itself
2.At 2.6%, the rapid population growth rate will place increasing pressure on formal and informal, and local and centralized justice providers
3.Lebanon faces significant performance and efficiency challenges in its delivery of justice services
4.Lebanese courts suffer from major delays (with the civil courts being worse in this respect than criminal courts)
5.Judicial police conduct the preliminary interrogations in many cases (including crimes not committed in flagrante) because prosecutors’ workloads increased as society developed. Thus an unstable customary system without any checks or legal text, based largely on extracting confessions via coercion, violence, and even torture arose
6.Law enforcement agents regularly violate protesters’ rights and fail to allow lawyers to attend preliminary investigations, thus violating Article 47 of Law No.191/2020, and use torture against them, thus violating Law 65/2017
7.Bribery is a common practice in judicial proceedings, obstructing justice
8.Like other parts of the Lebanese bureaucracy, justice institutions are affected by clientelism political interference and sectarianism
9.Political interference frequently delays the appointment of judges, which in turn delays the pronouncement of judgments