1.Subsidize the creation of independent media channels (Taxes and subsidies)
2.Invest in civic education in order to reinforce democratic sense in youth (Service provision)
3.Tax imports on surveillance tools (e.g.. facial-recognition surveillance, social media monitoring & targeted interception) (Taxes and subsidies)
4.Establish an elections audit unit that would prevent cyberattacks and interference (Institutional change: I.C.)
5.Initiate reforms on the media, penal, and civil codes regarding the legal framework of freedom of speech (I.C.)
6.Move the section on defamation from the penal to the civil code, and clearly define the terms “libel,” “slander,” and “defamation” (I.C.)
7.Decriminalize blasphemy and defamation, or insults to religion; only criminalize statements that amount to advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility, or violence (I.C.)
8.Do not grant public figures, including the president, special protection from defamation and prohibit government institutions, including the army and security agencies, from advancing defamation suits (I.C.)
9.Redefine more precisely the functions of the Cybercrimes bureau (Service provision)
10.Shut down the Ministry of Information (I.C.)