Below are National Bloc's latest updates, along with its political statements, activities and projects.
The Lebanese National Bloc party believes that the dignity of a State is measured by the extent to which it maintains and holds to its sovereignty, and in the wake of the American-Israeli decision on the occupied Syrian Golan, it...
The Lebanese National Bloc party warned that the prevailing practice of political favoritism in government is undermining its work, blocking its productivity, and emptying its slogan "to work" out of its content. The Bloc pointed out that the expected deficit...
The Lebanese National Bloc party saw in the visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Lebanon, and the campaigns of his agenda to confront Hezbollah, an occasion to affirm the necessity for Lebanon to adhere to diplomatic norms...
The Lebanese National Bloc party denounced the government’s evasive stand on the issue of the marriage of minors and keeping this issue in the court of the religious authorities.
In the absence of a national plan for agriculture in Lebanon that includes the production of value-added varieties and provides the necessary subsidies to help farmers stay on their land, The Lebanese National Bloc sees that there will be a...
The Lebanese National Bloc party in light of the recent political conflicts that hinder the work of the government and severely affect its productivity, has found it necessary to restate its position on the need to separate contentious issues and...
The Lebanese National Bloc Party considered that the consensus in the ministerial statement on the safe return of the displaced Syrians should have motivated the government to seek the support of the UN Security Council to find safe zones inside...
The Lebanese National Bloc party reiterated its position on the necessity of separating government work such as the economic state of the country and the living conditions of its citizens, a full-time job if done correctly, from the tense political...
The Lebanese National Bloc Party considers the internal division on Lebanese-Syrian affairs among the members of the so-called “national unity” government as a sign of mistrust among the members of this government. This division translates as weakness and hesitation in...
The Lebanese National Bloc Party denounced random employment in the public sector, describing it as "commercial trafficking" exploiting citizens’ livelihoods by the "parties/sects" for temporary electoral interests. The party pointed out that what was revealed in the “Ogero” affair was...