Below are National Bloc's latest updates, along with its political statements, activities and projects.
The 72 hours deadline given by Prime Minister Saad Hariri to resolve the crisis is unrealistic and undermines citizens’ intelligence.
The “Lebanese National Bloc Party” paused at the 72 hours deadline suggested by Prime Minister Saad Hariri to execute reforms. The Party asked whether this short deadline is enough to implement what PM failed in implementing during the past 3...
The “Lebanese National Bloc Party” stressed on the fact that the authorities' permanent withdrawal from adopting civil marriage, in reply to the religious authorities' opposition to it, is a sign of weakness; in addition, this withdrawal reveals the authorities’ intention...
The “Lebanese National Bloc Party” considered that the most unusual aspect in yesterday's manifestations was the reaction of the “sectarian parties” to the slogans requesting the overthrowing of the mandate and order and demanding the most basic rights. All the...
According to the “Lebanese National Bloc Party” recognizing mistakes and transgressions in the introduction of the 2020 draft budget would have forced the government in another country to resign. The Party pointed out that a literal recognition of the “violation...
The “Lebanese National Bloc Party” stressed that what distinguishes Lebanon from the rest of the surrounding countries is its respect for the freedom of expression, specifically with regard to all media outlets, and being an oasis of freedom. However, the...
The “Lebanese National Bloc Party” warned that the manipulation of the military facilities regular operations in Lebanon will negatively affect the security. The Party pointed out that after the write-off of military’s armament in the 2019 budget; the scandal arose...
The “Lebanese National Bloc Party” considered that the statement of Pierre Dukan, the French envoy assigned to follow-up on CEDRE Conference, is a diplomatic reminder of Lebanon's failure to abide by the decisions of this conference, especially with regard to...
The “Lebanese National Bloc Party” indicated that the circular issued by the Minister of Health Jamil Jabak is a decision in the right direction to approach the issue of dependence and overdose from human and social perspectives. Minister Jabak’s circular...
The “Lebanese National Bloc Party” affirmed its refusal to any tax increase on citizens. It called for fairer redistribution of tax rates, stressing on the need to restore trust through measures centered on fighting corruption and reforming public administration. The...