
Below are National Bloc's latest updates, along with its political statements, activities and projects.

National Bloc: Official confusion about forensic audit reveals horrible truth behind financial accounts

The Lebanese National Bloc Party released the following statement:

National Bloc: Sectarian “nitrate” weapon resurfaces in Cabinet consultations...

The Lebanese National Bloc Party released the following statement:

NB: End-of-summer festival government in Baabda… “October 17” inevitably coming to power

The Lebanese National Bloc Party released the following statement:

National Bloc: Border demarcation and government formation in the hands of incompetents

The Lebanese National Bloc Party released the following statement:

NB to Hariri: After October 17, you are not the “natural” candidate to head government

The Lebanese National Bloc Party released the following statement:

National Bloc: Parliamentary consultations are a waste of time

The Lebanese National Bloc Party released the following statement:

To Sayyed Nasrallah: Stepping down in favor of real opposition will rescue Lebanon

The Lebanese National Bloc Party and MMFD released the following statement:

Even Adib was rejected by your selfishness… Surrender power to real opposition

The Lebanese National Bloc Party and MMFD released the following statement:

National Bloc: Wide gap between ‘fake sectarian position’ of establishment and ‘true reality’ of society

The Lebanese National Bloc Party released the following statement:  

National Bloc: No to sectarian duos and trios… Yes to Lebanon’s national unilateralism

The Lebanese National Bloc Party released the following statement: