Executive Committee: Both premiership and presidency entrusted with Lebanon’s rescue are irresponsible and powerless

The Lebanese National Bloc Party's Executive Committee held its regular meeting today, Monday, and issued the following statement:

  • The latest speech of PM-designate Saad Hariri, and reactions that followed it, appeared to be pure constitutional heresies, from the one-third blocking veto to the appointment by every sectarian leader of its representatives in the government. The irony of this ridiculous situation is calling for a Cabinet of “independent” experts, provided that they are “appointed by politicians”! Strangest of all is the battle for the Justice Ministry portfolio, at a time everyone is calling for an “independent judiciary”! Another battle was waged over the Ministry of Finance, while the country entered into a state of insolvency after defaulting on its dues! As a result, the alliance between the warlords and the sects’ leaders, after ruining the country and starving the people, is now unable to form a reformist government.

This reaffirms the revolution's claims to form a government that is independent of the sects' parties, composed of specialists with exceptional powers to halt the collapse and pave the way for the civil state of citizenship, equality, justice, and equal opportunities.

  • As for the August 4 massacre, it is necessary to complete the investigations in a faster pace, to put an end to criminals’ impunity. It is one of the primary battles of the Lebanese women and men, and nothing will prevent us from holding accountable all those who were responsible for this horrible crime.
  • Lastly, in the Covid-19 vaccines issue, despite all the media hype and the fake achievements that officials were boasting about, Lebanon was actually one of the last countries to roll out the vaccination campaign. However, we take the opportunity to invite our fellow citizens to register as soon as possible to receive the vaccine, given its importance in overcoming this health and national crisis.
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